“The result is simply super!“

“Thanks again for the smooth installation of the shock absorbers, even on a Saturday! Really great – and the result is just super!!! It’s a pity that I only came across the name MARQUART so late. Many greetings from the north.”
Edgar W. from Wilhelmshaven

“The shock absorbers are simply super !!!“

“The shock absorbers are simply super! The Sprinter camper now drives almost like a car and perhaps the front axle will also get these super dampers. The conversion should actually go into series production. I was very happy to pay the bill. Thank you for the good advice.”
Ralf K. from Siegen

“I am extremely enthusiastic!“

“My experience with the new shock absorbers is extremely positive! You notice that you are driving over bumps, but the vehicle itself does not move at all. Even overtaking trucks does not cause any unrest in the vehicle! I am extremely enthusiastic! The only point of criticism for me: I should have carried out the conversion much earlier!”
Klaus F. from Wiesentheid

“Better driving behaviour of my BIMOBlL”

“Your shock absorbers have already been installed and have passed their baptism of fire with flying colours. We were on the road in northern Germany during the storm low “Eberhard” and, what can I say, the former instability in extreme crosswinds has improved significantly. But even without a storm, the handling of my BIMOBlL is much better now. Thank you for your effort and the (nowadays unfortunately no longer usual) outstanding friendly service!”
Hubert H. from Piding

Heavy duty shock-absorbers sprinter bimobil

“The bounce is gone“

“I am very satisfied. The rocking is gone, the whole driving behaviour is much better…a good investment then. … I can only recommend you.”
Rudolf L. from Haslach an der Mühl

It’s a completely different driving experience

“It is a completely different driving experience” writes the owner of this Mercedes 814 after converting to reinforced shock absorbers from Marquart.

Mercedes Vario police van

Reinforced shock absorbers from Marquart significantly reduce the rocking on this former Mercedes Vario police car.

Iveco Before / After

“I am very satisfied. The test drive with the trailer is still to come, but without the trailer there is already a noticeable difference. Thank you very much.”

VW LT 35

Reinforced shock absorbers make this VW LT35 far more stable. The annoyance has finally an end.

Mercedes Benz Vario 609

Reinforced shock absorbers from Marquart prevent the vehicle from rocking up without braking after driving through bumps.