Tag Archive for: Citroen Jumper shock absorbers

‘The driving performance exceeded my expectations’

‘I now drive the Citroen Jumper with a Marquart shock absorber at the rear and an air spring from another manufacturer. At the front, there is a Marquart shock absorber and spring. The driving performance has exceeded my expectations by far and it is also possible to increase the load. Now I have a grin on my face even when the road conditions are bad and there is a lot of crosswind ;)’
Stefan B. from Berlin 

Citroen Jumper camper van

“The vehicle goes around the corner like a go-kart”

“Today the new dampers were installed. First impression: an additional ladder frame was screwed under the vehicle. Sensational! The vehicle goes around corners like a go-kart, no pushing in corners, no rear axle rocking. To be honest, I would not have thought this result possible. My conclusion: All motorhomes should be equipped with these shock absorbers ex works! The original xxx shock absorbers are an imposition and simply dangerous!”
Andreas K. from Bad Homburg